Book an Appointment

Hours of operation: weekdays (Mo, Tu, W, Th), 9-4pm

Afterhours: F, Sa, Su

Please contact for most current appointment availability: email -

Please note as a mobile business owner, Dr. Ibey may be driving through a zone with limited to no reception and may not receive calls or notification of voicemails. If you have left a voice message, but have not been contacted by VetSonix within 24hrs, please follow up via email regarding your inquiry.

Please provide owners with a FAQ & Checklist document prior to their pets scan:

Owner FAQ & Checklist

Liste de contrôle due propriétaire & FAQ


If you need to cancel or reschedule please provide 36-48 hours notice.

  • Cancellations within 12-24 hours will be charged a 50% service fee

  • Same day cancellations or missed appointments will be charged the full (100%) service fee