
Indications for ultrasound:

Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive imaging modality used in veterinary medicine, and acts as a window/camera to look inside an animal’s body. Ultrasound provides useful structural and functional anatomical information about organs and body systems, while complementing other diagnostic means, such as physical exam, blood work, x-rays, etc.



This study focuses on intra-abdominal organs, such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes, prostate, uterus/testes (if intact) and blood vessels

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Small Parts

This study focuses on assessment of thyroid/parathyroid, salivary glands, hernias, superficial lumps, subcutaneous fluid collections (seroma, hematoma, abscess), post-surgical sites, etc.


Pregnancy / Reproductive

This study focuses on assessment of reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, prostate, testes) or to confirm pregnancy, approximate fetal count and viability. Pregnancy examination should be performed between 30-35 days post-LH surge or last known breeding

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Focused Follow-up

This study focuses on a single organ or organ system to assess stability, progression and/or deterioration of pathologies observed during an original ultrasound exam

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Non-Cardiac Thoracic

This study is performed when a superficial mass or pleural effusion is identified on a thoracic radiograph, to characterize further. Cardiac assessment and measurements will not be performed

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Interventional Procedures

Fine needle aspiration of superficial structures (thyroid, subcutaneous/dermal masses, etc), lymph nodes, abdominal fluid, urine etc. can be performed under ultrasound-guidance. Contact for further information

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Patient Preparation:

The owner must bring their pet to the veterinary clinic at least 1 hour prior to the appointment time. Please have the patient shaved and the exam room ready prior to my arrival

Shaving Instructions:

Abdominal exams - shave from the level of the xyphoid process to the pubic bone, with wide lateral margins, including the last 3-4 intercostal spaces on the right side. Please ensure a close shave, so no hair remains in the scanning field. Please note that the clipped area may need to be more extensive in deep chested or larger animals

Thoracic exams - shave the right and left chest wall from the shoulders to the costal margin, and from the epaxial muscles to just above the sternum

Rectus abdominus & Linea alba